Sunday, December 18, 2005

Saying Goodbye

This morning at Student Worship, our good friend Christina Shaffer announced that she is leaving St. Stephens and going to work for the PYN full-time. She will start in January doing all of the "event coordinating" but continue to volunteer at the church and stay with her small group. We are thrilled for her, because as many of you know, this is a perfect job for her. She will love it and really be able to use all the gifts God has given her while doing it. Selfishly, it will be really hard to see her go and not be a part of our day-to-day lives anymore but we wish her good luck.
And what would a post be without a picture of Negley Anne (she wants to grow up to be like Christina in this picture...)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone, sorry for the big gap between posts... the fall caught up with both Jayson and I. Things have been going okay here in Pittsburgh - but to be honest we're both already a little tired of the grey weather. We do have some fun news to share. The Samuels' house has a new addition. Charles Linwood III has come to stay here part of the time, and at Courtney's part of the time. He found Mark about a month ago and we have been blessed with his presence ever since. As far as we know he's a brown dog that makes strange noises and likes to bite on Tillie's neck. We love him... and glad that he found his way to our home.
Here are some fun pictures from November. Jayson's brother Jared and his girlfriend Vicky came to the east coast to vist for a long weekend and they were able to see Negley for the first time. We had thanksgiving up in Northeast PA this winter and it was a blast. We were pretty close to being snowed in on the lake, and there was no where else we wanted to be.
For the first time in some 14 years, the Rosemeyer clan will be together in Washington state and we are all looking forward to that. Negley's a little more independant now than she was in July, so the long plane ride should be interesting. At least there will be two other adults there to share in the joy of holding her for a four hour flight.
In case we don't get to post again before the holiday - Merry Christmas!