a fun weekend was had by the samuels family in florida. while we were there, we were able to catch up with the rest of the rosemeyer clan. we don't see them often enough, but it sure was a lot of fun to spend a little time with them on this trip.

it wasn't exactly her first time on the beach - i mean we did live at surf city for almost a month last summer, but mobility on negley anne's part certainly did change things. most importantly, she loves sand. sand everywhere. elliotts... watch out, we're coming your way soon!
one other highlight of the trip was meeting the newest rosemeyer, tobie. we had a great evening when everyone could get together and hang. negley, not like herself, cried the entire night - but other than that it was a blast. i hope we can do it again soon... kennywood opens soon - come on up to the 'burgh!