So sorry about the lack of new stuff on the blog. It doesn't make much sense, but things are actually a little busier now that I'm out of school for the summer. I'm going a little bit back in time with these pictures, but I never got to show any from our trip down south. Jayson, Negley Anne, Tillie and I were able to spend 5 wonderful days in South Carolina with our friends Matt, Sayward, Spencer, and Hagrid. We had a blast... I just wish it wasn't so far away so we could visit more often.
Jayson was awsome on the way down, spending a good chunk of time sitting in the back with Negley. She did a great job though... and did her best to look like a rock star!
This picture is a little frightning on many levels.
Certainly the highlight of the weekend was the time spent with Spencer. I felt like I had already known her from all the pictures on Sayward's blog... but there's nothing like the real thing. She was so happy and content, all the time. Both Sayward and I lucked out with our easy babies! I'm not sure when we will actually "see" each other again though... their next trip to Pittsburgh the Samuels will be in Michigan livin' it up on the beach. We'll figure something out though, I'm sure of it.