Sunday, September 24, 2006

Are you ready for some football!

Yes, it's football season here in Western PA... what a time of year. Jayson, Negley Anne and I had the chance to go watch my cousin play last weekend for the East End Crusaders. Sadly, they didn't win the game, but it still was nice to watch a game with family and have Negley Anne run wild in the stands. (She's learning from her mom) Here is Timmy - he's in 8th grade at Sacred Heart.

Negley Anne and Aunt Lynn watching the game.

Uncle Jimmy (he can't stand still) walking around during the game.
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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Negley Anne in KiddieLand!

After talking to my good friend Erin on the phone yesterday I realized that we had never actually taken Negley Anne to Kennywood to ride for herself. Can you beleive it? Of all families, we forgot that now that she is an "independent walker" she can go on rides herself! Luckily Kennywood was open another night - so we went out just for her. To our surprise she didn't cry, but then again, she didn't really smile either. The pictures turned out cute...

The first ride of the night was the swing. This was about as excited as she got on the ride.

If only I knew someone that worked at Kennywood... this would be a great photo for a brochure... don't you think?

What would a trip be to Kennywood without the airplane. Sadly they put a little boy in front of her, so neither of them could reach the stick to pull the plane up in the air. A good time was had by all at America's Finest Traditional Amusement Park.
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Friday, September 08, 2006

My little ones

After having a not-so-great day at work, I came home to a sweet baby, dinner with my brother, and an evening of great music by Mark and Brad. I thought I would share some cute pictures in case anyone else had a day at work like me.
These pictures were taken before leaving for Surf City (so about a month and a half ago) - so both Negley Anne & Willie have aged quite a bit... but I still think they are cute enough for the blog. The two of them are quite a pair. Willie goes where she goes and she LOVES it! Luckily she is mobile enough to get away from him when she needs a break.

Waiting for Jayson to come home.

Yes, my dog does really have blue eyes. Creepy.

I'm sure this is a scene in many households with little kids & dogs. Willie & Tillie know exactly where to hang out when Negley Anne is eating. They aren't stupid!

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Random Pictures From This Summer

These aren't necessarily in order of events... but they were sitting on my phone and I wanted more space to take more pictures. I love the camera phone. What a wonderful invention. Unless you use it in my gym class... then you will get a detention. I love detentions too.

This was taken at West Park on the North Side of Pittsburgh, at a Pittsburgh Project picnic. Negs and her dad.

I went to Surf City a good 10 days before Jayson arrived and everyday had to send him pictures of Negley. This picture reminded Jayson of a Cure album cover. I love The Cure too.

One of the highlights of Surf City is the creamery. A dairy farm about 15 minutes from camp that makes their own Milk, Cheese, and Ice Cream. This was one of the first nights at camp, I posed Negley Anne under the cow. She's hard to see... but I think it's cute. Negley Anne and Ice Cream, it doesn't get better than that!
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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Negley and Charlie Joe at the race.

Some shots from the zoo.