As I wrote before, the next few blogs are going to be showcasing old pictures of Negley Anne because Jayson has the camera with him on his trip. We've also decided that it was time to take the pictures off of our computer and put them on cds for back up. This is a picture that my mom took in the hospital and I just looked at it for the first time today. I guess cleaning your room is a good thing. Anyway, it's funny looking at it and seeing what huge cheeks she had right when she was born. Within four days of this picture they were gone, as she dropped about a pound and a half. All is good now on the weight front. Look at all that hair! Go Negley...

1 comment:
It's so great to get updates from you guys and to see the little "negs" even though we've never met her. I really do miss you tons. Aaaand you need to meet our son Hayden. Actually, you have to meet Savanna who is two!
Love to you Katy- no matter how much time passes
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