I'm not necessarily convinced that this is the cutest picture of Negley Anne that i've taken, but I thought it was funny. The girl loves her rice and beans... and what would a meal be if she didn't have grahm crackers and some form of fruit. Sounds odd, looks nasty, but she loves it. Better pictures of the Negs to come...

Last weekend Jay and I were able to get tickets to the Steelers game... it was a blast. They had not been doing too well and this made everything a little better. While we were at the game we found our friends Jame and Christa - also away from their kids. Go Steelers!

Jayson and I were lucky enough to get some tickets from a new friend of ours... Anthony Madison. He just moved to Pittsburgh and started playing for the Steelers this fall. It was a blast to be able to see him play at Heinz Field and for the team to win. I thought I'd send a little love to him on the blog. Go Madison!

well, aren't you all great with the cute little girl, a famous person as a friend, and time away from your little one.
you suck.
but i love you.
coulnd't have said it better myself Sayward.
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