My mother-in-law stopped by yesterday and commented that my Aunt B. looks at this blog often to see pictures of the kids and is disappointed because I haven't been updating it. So this post is for you Aunt B. There's nothing really to talk about, just some cute pictures of the girls.

Rhys is now mobile, which is both good and bad. She loves it, but it means a lot more work for me. Last night we were playing our little game with Tillie's dog food (I set her down and she immediately goes for Tillie's dish) when in her quick escape from me managed to slip on the tile floor and bit her lip. There is nothing worse than a baby's cry when they are actually hurt. I can ignore almost any other kind of cry, but those are the worst!

On the Fourth of July the family head to Idlewild for a fun day at the park. Somehow I caught Negley Anne at the perfect time - just to see her expression when the train blew it's whistle. It was really loud... but I love those eyes. Wonder who she got those from...
Well, thank you Aunt B. for the motivation to keep blogging... hopefully there will be some more before the end of the summer!
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