Sunday, September 18, 2005

Negley's First Game

Negley's first Steelers game.

Fall Has Arrived

Well fall has finally arrived here in western PA and with it all the familiar things: changing leaves, shorter days, steeler games and the daily routine of work, sleep, work, sleep. It may sound boring, but in a strange way Katy and I are happy to be getting back into more of a schedueled life. Katy is enjoying her new job at Langely High School and I am excited about thing this fall at St. Stephen's. We have also been enjoying the Steeler season so far. We are forutante enough to get ticket to the opener (Thanks Uncle Jimmy) and we took Negley to her first game. We don't have any pictures of the game yet. They are in Katy's phone and we have not figured out how to get them off yet.

Happy Baby Posted by Picasa

Smile Posted by Picasa

Big Eyes Posted by Picasa

Cousin James  Posted by Picasa