Monday, April 17, 2006

The Snuggly

Hello all. This will probably be the last post for a while. Jayson comes home tomorrow night - 34 hours and counting. When he gets back I'm sure that there will be many pictures of haiti to put on here as well as some new ones of Negley Anne. This is a cute one from back in the day when I used to carry her in her snuggly. We now have a very nice back-pack for her (thanks to the Bishops) that we love to carry her around in. Happy Easter everyone!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Sneeze

If you know Jayson, you know that he has terrible allergies. He has to take a Clariton everyday or he is misserable. There is a chance that Negley has allergies too. She sneezes like no baby i've ever seen before. Every day I am amazed at this little girl when she sneezes two, three, and even four times in row. While searching through some old pictures to post I found this sequence of pictures that I never noticed before. I wish that I had video of it because she usually cracks herself up afterward. For some reason she thinks they are hilarious. Someday I will post all of our mess-up pictures. We have a ton... Love you jayson...

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Looking back over the past year

As I wrote before, the next few blogs are going to be showcasing old pictures of Negley Anne because Jayson has the camera with him on his trip. We've also decided that it was time to take the pictures off of our computer and put them on cds for back up. This is a picture that my mom took in the hospital and I just looked at it for the first time today. I guess cleaning your room is a good thing. Anyway, it's funny looking at it and seeing what huge cheeks she had right when she was born. Within four days of this picture they were gone, as she dropped about a pound and a half. All is good now on the weight front. Look at all that hair! Go Negley...
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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Blast from the past

This is an old picture, it was taken on October 8th... Tillie's first birthday at Jerry's house. Since Jayson is gone, he asked me to update the blog everyday so that he could see pictures of Negley Anne while he gone. What we didn't think through is that he took our camera to Haiti with him. So, for the next week you will all have to live through all pictures of our little girl. If you saw Negley when she was 4 months or younger than you will get this picture. Her hair stuck up straight all the time and we loved it. The longer it has gotten though, the more tame it has become. Her first haircut will happen on her first birthday in a few weeks. How sad. Jayson if you're reading this... happy Haiti! Negley and I miss you!
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Monday, April 10, 2006

The sweet sweet mullet that lasted for less than five minutes - Go Jagr! My personal favorite, the mohawk. We tried to get it to stand up with some gel, but there's just too much curl in that hair to tame! The back of the mohawk - what a piece of art!
Sadly, it was time to take it all off... except for the side burns of course.
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Fun with Hair - The time has come for a change...

One last family photo with Jayson's long hair... Look who we found in his hair! A little sad, a little scared, but mostly excited to see his neck again.
First we went for the "Flock of Seagulls" look. More pictures to come...
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Friday, April 07, 2006

Silly Pictures of Friends

Last weekend Jayson, Negley, and I got the chance to spend some time with our good friends out in Penn Hills. We don't get to see them very often because they're always cutting grass... but they pulled themselves away from the lawn mowers long enough to go out to dinner with us. I took some pictures so that we don't forget what they look like because who knows when the next time we'll see them. (No pictures of Alta this time, she wasn't quite photogetic that evening)

Jerry, Joe, and Jayson... sounds like relatives of Jayson.

Barrett and Carrie... and the soon to be baby (hiding). Don't know exactly what Barrett was doing in this picture, but I do know it involved ice. Love the neck hair!

My favorite picture of the night... Grandpa Jerry and Negley Anne. Yeah!

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Monday, April 03, 2006

"Little Kids"

Last Saturday I was able to spend the afternoon with my good friend Laurel who was watching the son of some other friends of ours Beth and Alex. Laurel, Jack, Negley, and I headed to the Center for Creative Play to get some play on. Much fun was had by everyone...

Negley had a good time, but give her a few months until she's walking, and she'll own the place. The rocking horse was pretty awesome!

Laurel, enjoying the spirit of the whole place, acted like a little kid too.

This is Jack, Beth and Alex's son...Negley Anne and I will spend the afternoon playing with him anytime!

Last but certainly not least, here is Negley Anne and Jamie. Jamie is the son of one of my closest friends, Erin. They are only something like 4 days apart from each other, but boy are they different. He is definetly a boy, and quite a bit bigger. We had the chance to spend an evening together, where once again... they got their play on.

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